First-time candidates for office often fail to run the competitive race they imagined. I’ve seen these 5 missteps over and over again.
1 They don’t tell their story clearly and compellingly.
2 They are scared to ask people for money.
3 They make their campaign all about themselves.
4 They think being on social media is the same as campaigning.
5 They take bad advice.
When it comes to the future of our democracy, the stakes are too high for good people to unwittingly sabotage their own campaigns.
You are an expert in some area of life. It may be nursing. Or education. Or climate policy. Or sales and marketing. Or leadership. If you are a first time candidate for office, you likely are not an expert at running a political campaign. Doing so can feel like you’re making it up as you go along. I know I felt that way. That’s why I can help.
Here Are Some Confidence Boosters
to Help You Campaign
Super Stump Speech Accelerator $149
You’ve been invited to speak to your county party. You have 5 minutes to stand out from the other candidates, convince voters that you’re right for the job, and most importantly, coax donors to support your campaign. Do you know what you’d say? Maybe. But most don’t. Get a clear, compelling, and customizable stump speech.
Campaign Readiness Assessment $149
You’re an expert in some area of life, but you’ve never run a campaign before. Maybe you’ve got a campaign logo and a website, but you also have a gnawing sense that you’re missing something. Take my Campaign Readiness Assessment and get a customized Campaign Action Plan.
Make Voters the Hero of Your Campaign $149
Do you know why Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016? A big part of the reason is because “Make America Great Again” is an infinitely better slogan than “I’m With Her.” Most campaign messaging is muddled and disjointed and ends up making the candidate the hero of the story. That’s losing messaging. You can do better.
The Head and Heart of Fundraising $149
Do you enjoy asking people for money? Of course not. If you’re like most first time candidates, will you try to find anything to do other than fundraising? Probably. Will you convince yourself that you don’t have to fundraise? Likely. And you’ll lose because of it. Effective political fundraising begins with what you believe - about yourself and donors.
How Political Coaching Works
Schedule a Discovery Call
We'll discuss how your campaign is going, any gaps you've identified in your approach, what coaching would look like, and opportunities to support you.
Get Actionable Coaching
Every candidate is different, which means there is no "one plan fits all" approach. We'll create a plan specific to your unique opportunities. We'll also dive into collaborative work to help you feel confident in your campaign.
Campaign with Confidence
You will move forward equipped and assured that you can do the things necessary to run a competitive campaign with confidence.
My Commitment to You
When I ran a grassroots congressional campaign in 2018 -- everyday -- I felt like I was making it up as I went along. I desperately wanted to do the right thing in the right way, but all too often, I didn't even know what to do. It was a crazy, emotional rollercoaster. I don't want you to feel like I did.
In the years since, I've run national political organizations, worked on campaigns, and trained scores of candidates for office. I've learned what works ... and what doesn't. And I haven't lost my passion for helping first time candidates for office run competitive campaigns with confidence.
As your political coach, I won't do the work for you. But I will help you know what to do, what mindsets to develop for success, and what actions to take next. I love to talk to people who are running for office. Schedule a call today, and let's chat about your campaign and how I can serve you best.